Why Pakistan is the Next Big Travel Destination: Discover Its Untold Wonders

Fairy Meadows | Photo by Tourism Secretariat GB Pakistan, often called the ‘Land of Pure,’ is an untapped treasure for travelers. From the snow-capped peaks of the north to the golden deserts of the south, the country offers a variety of landscapes, cultures, and experiences. With a growing focus on tourism, Pakistan is gradually becoming a must-visit destination for adventurers, nature lovers, and history enthusiasts alike. Cherry blossom in Hunza valley | Photo by Tariq Sulemani / iStock The Rise of Tourism in Pakistan In recent years, Pakistan’s tourism industry has witnessed a remarkable surge. The government has actively promoted the country’s scenic beauty, rich history, and vibrant culture. Improved security conditions, visa-friendly policies, and infrastructural development have further fueled this growth. International travel platforms have also taken notice. In 2025, CNN Travel recognized Gilgit-Baltistan as one of the top 25 destinations to visit, highlighting its breathtak...